If your ex has just left you, it can be a frustrating and difficult time, when all you can think about is how badly you want her back. Do not despair! There are ways to get her back, even if she is with another guy. It's just a matter of shifting your focus.
First, you need to do something else. Get your mind off your sadness. Being mopey and despairing over her leaving you will not make her want you back. You need to take this breakup time as something positive: it's a chance for you to work on yourself and focus on your needs.
Indulge your hobbies. Play basketball or whatever your favorite sport may be. Read some books on your favorite topics. Take a trip to your favorite place. Just focus on yourself, your needs, and really think about what you want.
Secondly, you need to let her know you are not desperate. Desperation sends a woman off in a way body odor never will. Just call her to let her know that you understand the breakup was necessary, and you enjoyed the time you spent with her and really value everything you learned from her. That's it.
This is going to make her respect you more – which is what you want, and it is one of the most important steps to getting your ex back fast.
Finally you need to live your life. Do exciting, fun things, meet new people, learn about the world around you. Rediscover your boyhood passions. If you work, make sure to schedule “me” time where you can reconnect with your hobbies and the things that bring you joy. This is because being happy will make you more attractive to her, and lead her to want to spend more time with you.
Want to get her to call you? Allow her a glimpse of your new self, the one that is happy because you live a life full of interesting people and activities. And make some new friends while you're at it. Having friends will make you more attractive in your ex girlfriend's eyes.
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