Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Get Your Ex Back - How to Contact After a Break Up
So why is my ex still contacting me now, you may ask?
Phone calls… text messages… these things were part of your daily life while you were dating your ex.
But what if they are still calling and texting you after the breakup?
And what if they were the one who initiated the breakup in the first place?
Does it mean your ex still loves you? Does she/he want you back? Or are they really just texting you to say hello, or calling you to see what’s up?
Well, in all honesty you’d be pretty naive to think all this contact means nothing. A girl or guy who broke up with you totally wouldn’t want much to do with you afterward. The fact that this person is still keeping in touch, even after breaking up, actually means something pretty important.
Understand something: a person dumps you for very specific reasons. Most of the time, these reasons include a desire to go on without you. Yet here, your ex is still trying to keep the lines of communication open. By text-messaging, emailing, or calling you on the phone, your ex is actually saying “Don’t go away just yet”.
Is your ex ready to get back together right now, at this very moment? Probably not. But simultaneously, they are also not ready to lose you. Your ex would much rather you stick around for a while, even through something as tenuous as texting and emailing, while they decide if they really want the breakup to ‘stick’.
Another approach he/she might take? The “let’s be friends” approach. This happens when your ex breaks up with you but pretends like they’d still like to stay friends with you. And I use the word ‘pretend’ intentionally here, because the last thing your ex really needs is THEIR ex for a friend. What does your ex really want? A crutch to lean on. A safety net, just in case she/he wants you back.
If your ex still calls and texts you, it’s because they are looking to keep you available. They might ultimately want to undo or reverse the breakup, but until that moment comes, they want to know you’re still there.
Click here for more information
Monday, November 7, 2011
Do Rebound Relationships Work Out?
It is better to avoid rebounds if you can.
What is a rebound relationship? Basically this right after you've broken up with someone, you haven't even taken time to assess what went wrong, haven't had time to heal, etc.
But right away you're ready to jump into a new relationship with another person. You might even marry that person. Bad, bad idea. Why? Because you have never even dealt with the initial relationship. You are just moving on to someone else.
And I can guarantee you that no matter what, or at least in about 99% of circumstances, you are going to move on to the EXACT same type of person, the EXACT same type of problems, in most cases.
Either that or you will just move on to someone who is just so not right, you know it, it's so not a good thing.
But all your feelings of loneliness and depression, you don't acknowledge them. And those are the real problem.
That is why about 99% of rebound relationships do not work. And so what happens is that you get two failed relationships, once the rebound doesn't work, and then you have to deal with that. So it's like a double dose of awfulness in your life. Do you really want that?
It just compounds the pain of the breakup twice over.
So ultimately it's better just to deal with the breakup, and then when you're over the situation, you can start dating again.
How can you do this? Easy, go no contact for 30 days or more. Just cease talking to your ex, stop thinking about them, get them out of your head. If you aren't thinking about them you aren't going to stress about them.
Just distract yourself. But NOT with a rebound relationship.
Get rid of all your ex's books and CDs and things you have lying around that remind you of them. Pictures, clothing, anything you have that reminds you of that person that is in your apartment or your home.
Pack them away for now. Maybe you don't have to do it forever. Just get rid of them for now. Out of sight, out of mind. You will get over them much more easily if they're not in your mind.
It doesn't mean you need to cut them out of every photograph and set it on fire in the backyard. Just get the reminders of them gone from your immediate consciousness.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I Can't Stop Looking at My Phone After The Breakup - 3 Powerful Tricks To Kill the Pain and Get Him Back
CLICK HERE to read the free guide to using no contact to get him back
Here's how you can STOP looking at your phone after a breakup and get him back once you've regained your mental equilibrium:
1. Get rid of the phone.
Out of sight, out of mind. Put your phone somewhere else. Hide it somewhere you won't be tempted to see it. When you ARE tempted to go find it, distract yourself.
Better yet, give your phone to a friend and let them keep it for a while.
If you need your phone for work or something, simply tell your employer you canceled your cell phone plan for a while. Have them contact you by email instead.
The key is - get your method of contact with your ex OUT of your mind. Removing temptation is the easiest way to resist it.
2. Call a friend.
Get a friend to come over and distract you. Ask her to hang out. Go somewhere fun - shopping, for example. Do something that will get your mind off your breakup.
Hanging out with a friend is a great way to boost your mood as well. The positive energy from another person will get you into a good state of mind, and out of the desperate post-breakup haze.
It will also prevent depression and heartbreak which naturally follow a breakup.
3. Get out of the house.
One of the worst things you can do after a breakup - and one that will most easily lead you down the road to more fighting with your ex - is to be stuck around the house.
Make a list of your favorite activities, and then get involved in them! Bonus points for committing to a social activity that you can't back out of.
Even more bonus points if you pick a physical activity like running, biking, or playing your favorite sports. Even a game of frisbee can get your mind off the pain of a breakup.
Physical activity also boosts feel good chemicals in the brain called endorphins. These will make you feel better - and make it easier to deal with the breakup.
So there are plenty of ways to remove the temptation of checking your phone to see if your ex has called or left a message. You really don't want to do that - especially when you're trying to get him back after a breakup.
The last thing you want to do in that situation is to tell him that you're desperate by constantly checking your phone - and then immediately responding when he DOES contact you. The key is to take back power in the relationship and get your mind off the pain.
CLICK HERE to read the free guide to using no contact to get him back
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Ex Recovery System PDF Review
Here's a quick review of the Ex Recovery System PDF by Ashley Kay, one of the best resources for getting your ex back.
Click here to learn more
Sunday, October 9, 2011
No Contact Rule - How Long Does it Take to Get My Ex Back
1. No contact lets you escape desperation.
You might be feeling overwhelmed and desperate after a breakup, like you're bombarded with emotions. You've just lost someone very dear to you, so feeling this way is normal.
No contact works to let you get away from that kind of desperate mindset, which will actually drive him away. Ultimately, you want to get to a point where your ex boyfriend sees you as attractive again. And being desperate won't help that.
2. No contact should be implemented for 30 days typically.
Some people advise more time for no contact periods, but 30 days is a good start. Basically, during this time, you should be avoiding talking to your ex as much as possible, and instead focusing on:
-Your own mental health
-Keeping busy and active
-Doing things at work to keep you distracted
-Making any necessary changes in your life that will help you feel better
-Keeping in touch with friends/support network
3. No contact means as little contact as possible.
While you don't completely have to avoid your ex boyfriend, for example if you see him at work or around town/school and you can't avoid him. But you should be minimizing contact with him. This means not actively texting or messaging him. When you see him out somewhere, simple smile and say hello, then go about your business.
You don't want to send the wrong message, that you're no longer interested; you just want him to know you're keeping your contact as minimal as possible until you can get out of the desperate mindset that will drive him away.
Once your no contact period is over, you will need a plan to get him back. This entails certain steps such as making yourself cheerful and attractive, re-initiating contact with him, sending a special letter to pique his interest, and finally keeping your relationship on track for good.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
How to make a conversation with a girl
If you’re wondering how to make a conversation with a girl you like, here’s a 3 step, simple explanation for you. While these tricks are easy to adopt into your regular conversation routine, they should be practiced often.
1. Work on your self confidence.
You should focus on trying to talk to as many different people as you can, beacuse your self confidence will build. It’s not as hard to learn how to make conversation with girls you like as many people make it out to be. It’s really all a matter of practice.
When it comes to self confidence, it’s something that can benefit you in more than one way. Why? Because the more self confident youa re, the more people will want to talk to you, and the easier it becomes to talk to them. See, this will help you when it comes to approaching women as well.
You can also develop self confidence by leading a life where you’re really happy, so set small goals for yourself that you can attain, as they’ll give you good mood boosts.
2. Practice, practice, practice.
It’s unrealistic to expect that overnight, you’ll become some kind of whiz at talking to girls. You need to practice your social and conversational techniques as often as possible. So get out there in the real world and start chatting people up.
Go to as many places as you can – book stores, social outings, business functions, anywhere you get to talk to people. Make it a habit to get into conversations about the weather or whatever neutral topics you can think of.
3. Try not to care what she thinks.
You need to stop caring about what girls think about you when learning how to make a conversation with a girl. The less you worry about her opinion, the easier it is to talk to her and ultimately be successful with her.
Along with self-confidence, this comes with good conversational skills as well. So keep working on building your people skills and your confidence so that when you approach a girl, you won’t even care about her opinion of you.
In the end, if all you can do is say to yourself before you approach a girl, “I dont’ care what she thinks; I have a good opinion of myself” you’ll be worlds ahead.
Remember: build self confidence, practice talking to people, and try not to care what girls think of you. The more you adopt these three things, the easier it will get to have success with women.
Sign up to get my free ebook on how to get your ex girlfriend back.Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
John Alexander Alpha Male PDF
Sunday, September 11, 2011
How Do I Know He Is Cheating On Me
Friday, September 9, 2011
How the No Contact Rule Works
Thursday, September 1, 2011
How to Save My Relationship For Good: How to Save My Relationship With My Girlfriend - W...
There are few things more devastating to a guy's sense of co...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Why She Cheated On You - And How You Can Get Her Back
Friday, July 1, 2011
One Basic Thing That Will Help You Feel Better After a Breakup
The sleepless nights, the depression, the need to drink, overeat, and numb your pain with stuff like music and video games.
I've learned to deal with it better through the use of exercise, but sometimes you can't bring yourself to just run out the door and start jogging 20 miles. Yep - I know.
So when you've just gone through a breakup and you need a way to immediately feel better, try this:
1. Find a quiet place to sit.
2. Tune out as many outside distractions as you can.
3. Concentrate on one object in front of you - say, a lamp.
4. Focus on the texture of the object you're looking at. Put all your conscious thought into looking at that one object.
As you do this object focus exercise, I want you to take deep breaths as well. Slowly in, then out.
When the negative thoughts try to come racing into your mind again, don't let them surface. Instead, picture them in a little box or bubble in your mind - and then let go, slowly, of this image, in your mind.
Picture it getting smaller and smaller.
Until finally, it just pops, and is gone.
Using this little method is a great way to get your thoughts focused after a breakup, when your head is swimming with all the negative stuff after your ex-girlfriend (or boyfriend) has left you.
Getting refocused is the starting point to post-breakup recovery, and if you keep trying this technique for a little bit, you'll eventually be able to use it every time you feel bad - even after things that aren't breakup-related.
But the main thing is that you feel better, and that's what I want for you. So try out this technique if you can, when you're feeling really crappy after a breakup. I think it might help. :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
A Key Part of Keeping Your Ex Girlfriend Once You Get Her Back
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me For Another Guy - 3 Mistakes That Drive Her Away
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My Girlfriend Left Me for My Best Friend! What Do I Do?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Calm Mind Technique from TW Jackson
If you find this video useful, you can also learn more about TW's system and other tricks in The Magic of Making Up.
Friday, March 18, 2011
My Girlfriend Wants to Take A Break – What Do I Do?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Steps to Getting Your Ex Back Fast
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The One Stop Method to How to Get Your Girl Back From Another Guy
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Does She Still Care? How to Get Your Girl Back - Determine Her Feelings
Monday, March 7, 2011
Things Not to Do to Get Your Girl Back From Another Guy
Sunday, March 6, 2011
How to Get Your Girl Back From Another Guy
The first key to learn how to get your girl back from another guy:
Stop trying
Yes, I know this one doesn’t make much sense, but the truth is, trying to get her to come back to you is only going to push her away. If she’s hooked up with another guy, it’s not necessarily because he was cooler than you. She might just be looking for excitement that you’re not giving her, which leads us to the second key...
Focus on yourself
Often when relationships go bad, it’s because one partner becomes too dependent on the other for happiness. Clinginess drives people away. You might have been getting too clingy and not even realized it. The truth is that there’s a strong biological urge in all human beings, male and female, to be drawn to independent people. If you wanted to hang out with her too much, or felt like all your happiness was derived from her, then you probably drove her away without realizing it.
Listen to her, but don’t push her
Right after she’s broken up with you for another guy, you are going to have to take the hardest step: let her go. Let her hang out with the other guy, or do whatever she wants. Do not let her know you’re jealous or upset over it, no matter what.
Eventually when she sees that you have become that strong, interesting guy that she was drawn to in the first place, she will be intrigued, and naturally be drawn to you once more.
Learn how to get her back here