FAST Way to Get Your Ex Back

FAST Way to Get Your Ex Back
The FAST Way to Get Your Ex Back

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to Get Your Girlfriend Back - What Women Want & How to Give It To Them

 Click here to learn more

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Win a Man's Heart the Right Way! Here Is a Very Effective Road Map Which You Must Follow

How to Win a Man's Heart the Right Way! Here Is a Very Effective Road Map Which You Must Follow
By []Nikita Dev

Are you a woman who often finds herself puzzled when it comes to the dating game? Have you ever wondered why is it really easy for some women to attract their prince charming while you also see women who never seem to get anywhere in the dating game and often struggle?

I am sure that you probably want to know exactly what makes a man tick and what will make him give you all the love, affection and devotion that you desire out of him.

I won't be able to show you exactly how to make him dance to your tunes within just one article but I can definitely show you a very simple strategy which will increase his attraction for you a lot more. So are you ready? Alright, let's begin...

Humans want the things they can't easily have...

Do you know that all humans want the very thing they can't easily have? Do you know that humans put a very high priority on things which they consider are either rare or of very high value?

Now, I want you to get a pen and paper and write down how much your man desire's you on a scale of 1 to 10.

1 - No real desire towards you.

10 - Extreme desire.

If you have rated his desire to be anywhere below a 7 on the scale then he doesn't perceive you as someone rare and consequently won't really value you or the time you two spend together.

And the bad part is that over time you will see that his attention towards you will lower to the point where it eventually reaches a 1 on the scale and you would feel extremely helpless.

And why does this happen?

This all happens because women start giving their man a lot more importance than he truly deserves. If you are more focused on his life rather than your own, then you are keeping him on top of your list of priorities.

The key -

The real key to winning his heart is to ensure that he thinks of you as someone who is of very high value. In other words, as long as he believes that you are someone very rare and not easy to get, he will always give you the treatment you desire.

And it's extremely simple yet not very obvious...

A guy will see you the way you see yourself which also means that if you think you are important that's exactly the picture you will portray of yourself to the world.

The issue is that most women do not feel good enough on the inside and in the process end up being extra focused on the guy they are with. What you truly feel on the inside will definitely reflect in your actions and that's how the world is going to treat you.

Women who are successful in the game of dating or their relationships understand this concept very well.

- They understand that any form of desperation repels men.

- They understand that they shouldn't make a guy their top priority in life & should be more focused on their own personal goals.

- They understand that in order to be treated fairly by men, they need to first treat themselves fairly.

- They understand that men chase women who have a very high self-regard.

Most women usually approach the dating game or relationships with a lot of expectations. And in the process to have those expectations met, do all the things which end up harming them in the long haul.

Don't make the same mistake and make it a rule to always maintain a very high self-regard at every level.

The key to making a man dance to your tunes -

Next, I would like to show you a set of tricks which will help you make any man dance to your tunes. Get ready to learn exactly what to say and do with men which will make them feel an amazing connection with you to an extent where they would be literally addicted to you. I strongly encourage you to watch the free video presentation on the next page to learn these tricks - []Click Here

Article Source: [!-Here-Is-a-Very-Effective-Road-Map-Which-You-Must-Follow&id=6829818] How to Win a Man's Heart the Right Way! Here Is a Very Effective Road Map Which You Must Follow

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Get Your Ex Back - How to Contact After a Break Up

So why is my ex still contacting me now, you may ask?

Phone calls… text messages… these things were part of your daily life while you were dating your ex.

But what if they are still calling and texting you after the breakup?

And what if they were the one who initiated the breakup in the first place?

Does it mean your ex still loves you? Does she/he want you back? Or are they really just texting you to say hello, or calling you to see what’s up?

Well, in all honesty you’d be pretty naive to think all this contact means nothing. A girl or guy who broke up with you totally wouldn’t want much to do with you afterward. The fact that this person is still keeping in touch, even after breaking up, actually means something pretty important.

Understand something: a person dumps you for very specific reasons. Most of the time, these reasons include a desire to go on without you. Yet here, your ex is still trying to keep the lines of communication open. By text-messaging, emailing, or calling you on the phone, your ex is actually saying “Don’t go away just yet”.

Is your ex ready to get back together right now, at this very moment? Probably not. But simultaneously, they are also not ready to lose you. Your ex would much rather you stick around for a while, even through something as tenuous as texting and emailing, while they decide if they really want the breakup to ‘stick’.

Another approach he/she might take? The “let’s be friends” approach. This happens when your ex breaks up with you but pretends like they’d still like to stay friends with you. And I use the word ‘pretend’ intentionally here, because the last thing your ex really needs is THEIR ex for a friend. What does your ex really want? A crutch to lean on. A safety net, just in case she/he wants you back.

If your ex still calls and texts you, it’s because they are looking to keep you available. They might ultimately want to undo or reverse the breakup, but until that moment comes, they want to know you’re still there.

Click here for more information

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do Rebound Relationships Work Out?

Okay so in this post we are going to talk about something you may be thinking of doing, or already doing, after your breakup. I am going to tell you right now...

It is better to avoid rebounds if you can.

(When I say rebound relationship, I mean getting seriously involved with someone who isn't your ex. Casually spending time together or non-serious dates - as long as the other person knows what they are - are okay.)

What is a rebound relationship? Basically this right after you've broken up with someone, you haven't even taken time to assess what went wrong, haven't had time to heal, etc.

Click here to find out what to do next to get your ex back

But right away you're ready to jump into a new relationship with another person. You might even marry that person. Bad, bad idea. Why? Because you have never even dealt with the initial relationship. You are just moving on to someone else.

And I can guarantee you that no matter what, or at least in about 99% of circumstances, you are going to move on to the EXACT same type of person, the EXACT same type of problems, in most cases.

Either that or you will just move on to someone who is just so not right, you know it, it's so not a good thing.

But all your feelings of loneliness and depression, you don't acknowledge them. And those are the real problem.

That is why about 99% of rebound relationships do not work. And so what happens is that you get two failed relationships, once the rebound doesn't work, and then you have to deal with that. So it's like a double dose of awfulness in your life. Do you really want that?

It just compounds the pain of the breakup twice over.

So ultimately it's better just to deal with the breakup, and then when you're over the situation, you can start dating again.

How can you do this? Easy, go no contact for 30 days or more. Just cease talking to your ex, stop thinking about them, get them out of your head. If you aren't thinking about them you aren't going to stress about them.

Just distract yourself. But NOT with a rebound relationship.

Get rid of all your ex's books and CDs and things you have lying around that remind you of them. Pictures, clothing, anything you have that reminds you of that person that is in your apartment or your home.

Pack them away for now. Maybe you don't have to do it forever. Just get rid of them for now. Out of sight, out of mind. You will get over them much more easily if they're not in your mind.

It doesn't mean you need to cut them out of every photograph and set it on fire in the backyard. Just get the reminders of them gone from your immediate consciousness.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Can't Stop Looking at My Phone After The Breakup - 3 Powerful Tricks To Kill the Pain and Get Him Back

Are you checking your phone every five minutes after the breakup? If so, you're falling prey to an unfortunate circumstance of the post-breakup haze that we all go into.
CLICK HERE to read the free guide to using no contact to get him back
Here's how you can STOP looking at your phone after a breakup and get him back once you've regained your mental equilibrium:
1. Get rid of the phone.
Out of sight, out of mind. Put your phone somewhere else. Hide it somewhere you won't be tempted to see it. When you ARE tempted to go find it, distract yourself.
Better yet, give your phone to a friend and let them keep it for a while.
If you need your phone for work or something, simply tell your employer you canceled your cell phone plan for a while. Have them contact you by email instead.
The key is - get your method of contact with your ex OUT of your mind. Removing temptation is the easiest way to resist it.
2. Call a friend.
Get a friend to come over and distract you. Ask her to hang out. Go somewhere fun - shopping, for example. Do something that will get your mind off your breakup.
Hanging out with a friend is a great way to boost your mood as well. The positive energy from another person will get you into a good state of mind, and out of the desperate post-breakup haze.
It will also prevent depression and heartbreak which naturally follow a breakup.
3. Get out of the house.
One of the worst things you can do after a breakup - and one that will most easily lead you down the road to more fighting with your ex - is to be stuck around the house.
Make a list of your favorite activities, and then get involved in them! Bonus points for committing to a social activity that you can't back out of.
Even more bonus points if you pick a physical activity like running, biking, or playing your favorite sports. Even a game of frisbee can get your mind off the pain of a breakup.
Physical activity also boosts feel good chemicals in the brain called endorphins. These will make you feel better - and make it easier to deal with the breakup.
So there are plenty of ways to remove the temptation of checking your phone to see if your ex has called or left a message. You really don't want to do that - especially when you're trying to get him back after a breakup.
The last thing you want to do in that situation is to tell him that you're desperate by constantly checking your phone - and then immediately responding when he DOES contact you. The key is to take back power in the relationship and get your mind off the pain.
CLICK HERE to read the free guide to using no contact to get him back

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ex Recovery System PDF Review

Here's a quick review of the Ex Recovery System PDF by Ashley Kay, one of the best resources for getting your ex back.

Click here to learn more

Sunday, October 9, 2011

No Contact Rule - How Long Does it Take to Get My Ex Back

Want to know about the no contact rule and how long it will take to get your boyfriend back? Here's a simple breakdown of the no contact rule and how it works.

1. No contact lets you escape desperation.

You might be feeling overwhelmed and desperate after a breakup, like you're bombarded with emotions. You've just lost someone very dear to you, so feeling this way is normal.

No contact works to let you get away from that kind of desperate mindset, which will actually drive him away. Ultimately, you want to get to a point where your ex boyfriend sees you as attractive again. And being desperate won't help that.

2. No contact should be implemented for 30 days typically.

Some people advise more time for no contact periods, but 30 days is a good start. Basically, during this time, you should be avoiding talking to your ex as much as possible, and instead focusing on:

-Your own mental health
-Keeping busy and active
-Doing things at work to keep you distracted
-Making any necessary changes in your life that will help you feel better
-Keeping in touch with friends/support network

3. No contact means as little contact as possible.

While you don't completely have to avoid your ex boyfriend, for example if you see him at work or around town/school and you can't avoid him. But you should be minimizing contact with him. This means not actively texting or messaging him. When you see him out somewhere, simple smile and say hello, then go about your business.

You don't want to send the wrong message, that you're no longer interested; you just want him to know you're keeping your contact as minimal as possible until you can get out of the desperate mindset that will drive him away.

Once your no contact period is over, you will need a plan to get him back. This entails certain steps such as making yourself cheerful and attractive, re-initiating contact with him, sending a special letter to pique his interest, and finally keeping your relationship on track for good.